The Data Sovereignty Dilemma: Challenging the Status Quo in Rwanda – Part 2


Many data sovereignty laws require that certain types of data must be stored and processed within the borders of the country. This can conflict with the desire for efficiency and cost-effectiveness that comes with using cloud services and global data centres. Companies often need to decide whether to comply with these laws, potentially sacrificing efficiency, or risk non-compliance.

We are excited to share that ADEPT Decisions recently deployed our innovative ADP Runtime Environment in Rwanda, leveraging the powerful Azure Stack Hub and Kubernetes platform. This deployment has been a game-changer, enabling us to rapidly bring the ADEPT Decisions Platform (ADP)  to the Rwandan market. ADP has a full suite of features that include robust security measures, comprehensive full-stack monitoring capabilities, and a consistent environment that seamlessly aligns with our cloud offerings.

The benefits have been remarkable, notably in terms of time-to-market, as we were able to roll out a feature-rich solution in record time, catering to the specific needs of our Rwandan client. This accomplishment underscores our commitment to delivering top notch services globally, while maintaining the highest standards of security and performance.

Addressing Data Sovereignty using a Lean ADP Runtime Footprint

With ADP, we have designed a smart solution that splits the workload into two parts. The design work happens smoothly in the cloud, allowing for accessibility and collaboration from virtually anywhere. On the other hand, the lightweight runtime environment resides right within the country’s borders, a strategic move to address data sovereignty concerns.

Here is the key point: no data leaves this local runtime environment. Every bit of processing and reporting data stays right there in-country, protected within the secure boundaries of the runtime application. It is like having a fortress for your data, ensuring it complies with even the strictest data sovereignty regulations, offering organisations a reassuring level of data security and compliance in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape.

The diagram below illustrates this deployment architecture at the heart of the solution:

ADP Hybrid Deployment


ADP on Kubernetes: Empowering Deployment Anywhere

ADP and its runtimes are cloud-native and therefore operate on Kubernetes, providing a robust and consistent platform for deploying application components. Whether the runtime components reside in the cloud or on-premises, on a platform like Azure Stack Hub or proprietary hardware, Kubernetes acts as a unifying force, simplifying the complexities of any diverse deployment environment.

Our choice of Azure Stack Hub and Azure Kubernetes Service, serves as the reliable host, ensuring seamless compatibility and efficient management of these components.

Regardless of whether your runtimes need to be in the cloud, on Azure Stack Hub or on proprietary hardware, ADP and Kubernetes form a harmonious partnership, offering a dependable foundation for your runtime ecosystem.

Addressing On-Premises challenges using Azure Stack Hub

Azure Stack Hub

Let’s now discuss Azure Stack Hub, the game-changer in the world of on-premises deployments. As discussed, traditional on-premises setups can be a real headache. You have to deal with hardware, maintenance, and all the fuss that comes with it.

But Azure Stack Hub? It’s like bringing the power of the cloud right to your doorstep. No more juggling servers and worrying about scalability. Plus, it’s got some nifty tricks up its sleeve to address those major issues that on-premises deployments often wrestle with.

So, let’s dive in and discover how Azure Stack Hub is flipping the script on on-premises IT:

  • Consistency Across Clouds: Azure Stack Hub offers a uniform experience when deploying and managing the ADP runtime, ensuring compatibility across various cloud and on-premises environments.
  • Azure Kubernetes Service: Azure Stack Hub enables us to build, manage, and scale Kubernetes clusters in on-premises data centres while benefiting from the familiar tools, APIs, and practices available in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) on the cloud. This homogeneity ensures that our Kubernetes workload deployments are consistent between cloud and in-country environments.
  • Unified Management: The ADP team manages both Azure and Azure Stack Hub applications using Azure tools and services, providing a unified management experience and streamlining operations.
  • Hybrid Flexibility: It allows us to build and deploy applications in both public Azure and on-premises Azure Stack Hub, offering flexibility in choosing the best location for the runtime workloads while maintaining a unified management approach.
  • Scalability: Azure Stack Hub has enabled us to scale our ADP runtime based on demand in- country, ensuring the ADP workloads can efficiently handle varying usage patterns.
  • Integration with Azure Services: Azure Stack Hub seamlessly integrates with various Azure services, enhancing application capabilities by leveraging Azure’s extensive ecosystem for AI, analytics, and more.
  • Security and Compliance: ADP benefit from Azure’s robust security features and compliance certifications across public and Azure Stack Hub environments, helping us comply with regulatory requirements and safeguard your business.

So, what does this mean for me?

In summary, our recent deployment of ADP in Rwanda, which is a seamless blend of Azure Stack Hub and Kubernetes, exemplifies our commitment to solving complex data sovereignty challenges without sacrificing the advantages of our cloud platform.

Whether you require in-country or on-cloud decision processing solutions, we invite you to contact us.

Our expertise ensures that your specific demands are met, and you can enjoy the best of both worlds – local data sovereignty or the unmatched efficiency and security of our cloud-based offerings.

Reach out today to explore how we can empower your organisation’s decision-making processes while ensuring compliance with local regulations or benefiting from the cloud’s scalability and flexibility. Your solution awaits!

About the Author

Jason Kretzmann is the Chief Solution Architect and has been with ADEPT Decisions since inception in 2015, playing a key role in designing, developing and managing the platform.

About ADEPT Decisions

We disrupt the status quo in the lending industry by providing lenders with customer decisioning, credit risk consulting and advanced analytics to level the playing field, promote financial inclusion and support a new generation of financial products.