FinTech Lending Toolkit | Adept Decisions
FinTech Lending Toolkit | Adept Decisions


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Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team: Jason Kretzmann

Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team: Jason Kretzmann Introduction The entire ADEPT Decisions team has always prided itself on providing the ‘personal touch’ to our clients; whether it means going the extra mile on a project, accommodating short-notice configuration changes, or just providing a sounding board to the credit risk team. We believe that this [...]

Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team

Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team: Michael Lorenat Introduction The entire ADEPT Decisions team has always aimed to provide the ‘personal touch’ to our clients; whether it means going the extra mile on a project, accommodating short-notice configuration changes, or just providing a sounding board to the credit risk team. We believe that this flexible, [...]

Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team – Eva Neves

Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team Introduction The entire ADEPT Decisions team has always strived to provide the ‘personal touch’ to our clients; whether it means going the extra mile on a project, accommodating short-notice configuration changes, or just providing a sounding board to the credit risk team. We believe that this flexible, ‘can do’ [...]

Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team

Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team Introduction The entire ADEPT Decisions team has always strived to provide the ‘personal touch’ to our clients; whether it means going the extra mile on a project, accommodating short-notice changes, or just acting as a sounding board to the credit risk team. We believe that this flexible, ‘can do’ [...]

  • turbulent-times

Risk Tactics for Turbulent Times

Risk Tactics for Turbulent Times Introduction “There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it [...]

Fantasy Planning

Fantasy Planning Introduction “He who fails to plan is planning to fail.” Winston Churchill. It never ceases to amaze me how little credit grantors actually plan. Speaking specifically about the credit risk environment, plans should be created for at least a 12 month cycle, which typically matches the company’s fiscal year. Whereas credit risk managers [...]

  • Chronological-log

Corporate Memory vs. Corporate Amnesia

Corporate Memory vs. Corporate Amnesia Introduction Do you remember that Advanced Statistics mid-term that you took in the third year of your university degree? Can you remember what result you received and more importantly, why you did so poorly? Personal memory fades over time and the longer that mid-term test was sat, the less likely [...]

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