FinTech Lending Toolkit | Adept Decisions
FinTech Lending Toolkit | Adept Decisions


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Corporate Memory vs. Corporate Amnesia

Corporate Memory vs. Corporate Amnesia Introduction Do you remember that Advanced Statistics mid-term that you took in the third year of your university degree? Can you remember what result you received and more importantly, why you did so poorly? Personal memory fades over time and the longer that mid-term test was sat, the less likely [...]

Managing Originations in Turbulent Times Part 2

Managing Originations in Turbulent Times Part 2 Introduction Last month, I set the scene and described this highly challenging time we all find ourselves in right now. In this second part of the blog I provide some practical tips as to what a lender should do to manage originations during a turbulent period such as [...]

Managing Originations in Turbulent Times Part 1

Managing Originations in Turbulent Times Part 1 Calling all originations and credit risk managers. Is this the right time to focus on originations management? Have you ever felt truly cursed? I don’t mean the ‘having a bad day’ type of cursed, but rather the ‘how can things get any worse’ type of cursed. Until the [...]

Diallers & Decision Engines Overview & Parallels

Background Over the past 40 years, diallers have become so prevalent in the consumer credit industry, that many of us rarely ever bear them a second thought. This led me to think about the parallels and similarities between diallers and decision engines: Both products have been around for approx. 40 years Both have transformed greatly [...]

What are the key components of a FinTech lending toolkit?

In last month’s blog, I discussed the importance of using a dedicated full-featured decision engine (DE) for all of your credit assessment requirements. I also described why a decision engine adds significant value to a lender, beyond just using the tools that are built into a typical loan origination system (LOS). This month, I want [...]

Why do lenders require a Decision Engine AND a Loan Origination System?

Why do lenders require a Decision Engine AND a Loan Origination System? One of the most frequent questions that I get asked when talking about the ADEPT Decisions Platform, is “Why do I need a decision engine?” It’s a good question and the purpose of this blog is to answer this question. Many modern Loan [...]

Rapid Decisions – Automating Decision Processes

Businesses make a myriad of decisions every day. Put these decisions into effect as quickly as possible. A fast response with a good decision is usually better than a slow response with an ideal decision. When time to respond is critical or expected frequency of change is high, operational decisions should be automated. Business logic [...]

Driving Continuous Portfolio Improvements Using ADEPT Decisions

Bringing your portfolios strategy design, implementation, execution and monitoring to your fingertips. Introduction We previously touched on Why is end-to-end decisioning so important?  To build on that thread, we pickup on portfolio improvements. In today’s world, it is critical for lenders to design the right customer journeys. Profitable growth relies on an organisation’s ability to repeatedly [...]

The Rise of A/B Testing – Building effective A/B tests

A/B Testing on the rise? Surely not, only last month I was bemoaning the fact that organisations we’re doing rigorous A/B testing any longer. Was I lying? Misinformed? Or did I simply like the symmetry of the words “demise” and “rise” in my blog titles ;-)? The truth leans more toward the latter (I do [...]

How to Maximise the Benefits of a Decision Engine for Marketing Activities

Marketing and POPIA With the introduction of POPIA (Protection of Personal Information Act) in July 2021 in South Africa and the prevalence of similar legislation globally it has become crucial for any business to target customers in the most effective and efficient way in order to optimise marketing activities and marketing budgets. A very effective [...]

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