FinTech Lending Toolkit | Adept Decisions
FinTech Lending Toolkit | Adept Decisions

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  • Image to support article called data sovereignty, part 2

The Data Sovereignty Dilemma: Challenging the Status Quo in Rwanda, Part 2

The Data Sovereignty Dilemma: Challenging the Status Quo in Rwanda - Part 2 Introduction Many data sovereignty laws require that certain types of data must be stored and processed within the borders of the country. This can conflict with the desire for efficiency and cost-effectiveness that comes with using cloud services and global data centres. [...]

  • Data Sovereignty - Scales of Justice

The Data Sovereignty Dilemma: How we’re challenging the status quo in Rwanda, Part 1

The Data Sovereignty Dilemma: How we're challenging the status quo in Rwanda, Part 1 Often data sovereignty laws require that certain types of data must be stored and processed within the borders of the country. This can conflict with the desire for efficiency and cost-effectiveness that comes with using cloud services and global data centres. [...]

Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team: Jason Kretzmann

Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team: Jason Kretzmann Introduction The entire ADEPT Decisions team has always prided itself on providing the ‘personal touch’ to our clients; whether it means going the extra mile on a project, accommodating short-notice configuration changes, or just providing a sounding board to the credit risk team. We believe that this [...]

Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team

Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team: Michael Lorenat Introduction The entire ADEPT Decisions team has always aimed to provide the ‘personal touch’ to our clients; whether it means going the extra mile on a project, accommodating short-notice configuration changes, or just providing a sounding board to the credit risk team. We believe that this flexible, [...]

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