Our frequent blog posts cover all things decisioning: credit risk management systems, credit risk consulting and training, advanced analytics and predictive modelling.
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The New Lending Industry Word Salad, Part 1
The New Lending Industry Word Salad: An Exploration of Some of the New Terms and TLAs Introduction Whoever said that the lending industry is boring and never changes clearly isn’t up to date on their reading! With the exponential growth of fintechs and mobile lenders over the past decade, a whole plethora of new products, [...]
Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team – Michael Lorenat
Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team - Michael Lorenat Introduction The entire ADEPT Decisions team has always aimed to provide the ‘personal touch’ to our clients; whether it means going the extra mile on a project, accommodating short-notice configuration changes, or just providing a sounding board to the credit risk team. We believe that this [...]
Financial Inclusion
Financial Inclusion Introduction In the 1970s disco era, there was a successful all-ladies German pop group called Silver Convention. One of their top 10 hits was ‘Everybody’s Talking ‘Bout Love.’ Whenever I hear the term financial inclusion, I often think of the lyrics to this song: “You know, everybody's talking about love these days It's [...]
Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team – Eva Neves
Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team - Eva Neves Introduction The entire ADEPT Decisions team has always strived to provide the ‘personal touch’ to our clients; whether it means going the extra mile on a project, accommodating short-notice configuration changes, or just providing a sounding board to the credit risk team. We believe that this [...]
Stories and Learnings from a Career in Risk Management
Stories and Learnings from a Career in Risk Management Introduction For this last article of the year, I thought it would be appropriate to write a light hearted piece about some of the funny or strange things I have encountered in my many years in the credit risk industry. Over these years I met a [...]
Meet the ADEPT Decisions Team – Stephen John Leonard
Meet the ADEPT Decisions Management Team - Stephen John Leonard Introduction The entire ADEPT Decisions team has always strived to provide the ‘personal touch’ to our clients; whether it means going the extra mile on a project, accommodating short-notice changes, or just acting as a sounding board to the credit risk team. We believe that [...]
Risk Tactics for Turbulent Times – Management Strategies
Risk Tactics for Turbulent Times Introduction “There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it [...]
Fantasy Planning
Fantasy Planning Introduction “He who fails to plan is planning to fail.” Winston Churchill. It never ceases to amaze me how little credit grantors actually plan. Speaking specifically about the credit risk environment, plans should be created for at least a 12 month cycle, which typically matches the company’s fiscal year. Whereas credit risk managers [...]
Corporate Memory vs. Amnesia
Corporate Memory vs. Corporate Amnesia Introduction Do you remember that Advanced Statistics mid-term that you took in the third year of your university degree? Can you remember what result you received and more importantly, why you did so poorly? Personal memory fades over time and the longer that mid-term test was sat, the less likely [...]
Managing Originations in Turbulent Times, Part 2
Managing Originations in Turbulent Times, Part 2 Introduction Last month, I set the scene and described this highly challenging time we all find ourselves in right now. In this second part of the blog I provide some practical tips as to what a lender should do to manage originations during a turbulent period such as 2022. [...]
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ADEPT Decisions Launches GulfScore
Sarka Svoboda2024-07-24T11:31:03+02:00
ADEPT Decisions Launches GulfScore The First Decision Engine Customised for [...]
Introduction to Decision Engines: What They Are NOT – Part 1
Sarka Svoboda2024-07-24T11:40:06+02:00
What is a Decision Engine? Part 1 – What a [...]
Diners Club, Debt and The Downfall of Society
Sarka Svoboda2024-07-22T10:29:32+02:00
Diners Club, Debt and The Downfall of Society An [...]
A New Era in Account Management Decisioning
Sarka Svoboda2024-07-24T11:30:34+02:00
A New Era in Account Management Decisioning Defining the Status [...]